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General information

The annual general meeting of Klépierre SA will be held at
9:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 24, 2025, at the Pavillon Cambon Capucines, 46 rue Cambon, 75001 Paris (France) (the "General Meeting").

All documents relating to the Annual General Meeting are available at the bottom of this page.

Shareholders are invited to consult the notice of meeting for this General Meeting which will be released on March 19, 2025 (notice no. 34) in the French legal gazette (BALO) and available below. This notice describes the procedures for holding and attending the General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will also be broadcast live, the details of which will be specified in the convening notice. A recording of the meeting will be available on the Company's website, in accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 22-10-38-1 and R.22-10-29-1 of the French Commercial Code.

The secure Votaccess platform will be open from 9:00 a.m. (CET) on April 7, 2025 to 3:00 p.m. (CET) on April 23, 2025. Shareholders are advised not to wait until the last few days before the General Meeting to complete their instructions.

Watch Klépierre General meeting

Webcast Details

Who can participate in the Annual General Meeting?

Any person holding at least one share in the Company two business days prior to the Meeting may attend. One voting right is allocated to each share held.

How can I participate in the General Meeting?

Shareholders who have already voted by postal ballots, sent proxies or requested admission cards for the General Meeting may not choose another method of participation.

I wish to attend the General Meeting in person

You must have an admission card, which you must have requested and obtained by post or online according to the procedure described in the published notice of meeting.

If you lose your admission card or do not receive it in time, you may attend the General Meeting upon presentation of a valid form of identification. Bearer shareholders will also need to present a duly completed share ownership certificate issued by midnight on the second business day preceding the General Meeting or April 22, 2025 by midnight, Paris time.

I wish to be represented at the General Meeting

Shareholders who have chosen to be represented by a proxy of their choice may notify the proxy appointment or revoke said appointment by post or online in accordance with the procedure described in the published notice of meeting.

The written and signed proxy forms must indicate the last name, first name and address of the shareholder as well as those of his or her proxy.

How can I vote at the General Meeting?

For bearer shareholders, the combined postal voting and proxy form must be accompanied by a share ownership certificate issued by the authorized intermediary.

Under no circumstances can a form be returned with both proxy and postal voting instructions.

Voting or giving proxy by post (paper form)

The duly signed and completed postal voting and proxy form must reach Société Générale (Service Assemblées, 32, rue de du Champ de Tir, CS 30812, 44308 Nantes Cedex 03) no later than April 21, 2025.

Voting or giving proxy online (electronic form)

Holders of registered shares: you can connect to Votaccess by logging into using your Sharinbox access code and password provided by Société Générale Securities Services, and following the on-screen instructions.

Holders of bearer shares: you should ask your authorized intermediary if they are connected to Votaccess and, where necessary, if its use is subject to particular conditions. Note that this option is only available to holders of bearer shares whose authorized intermediary is registered with Votaccess. If your authorized intermediary is registered with Votaccess, you should log into your authorized intermediary’s web portal using your standard login details. Click on the icon that appears on the line corresponding to your Klépierre SA shares, then follow the on-screen instructions to access the Votaccess platform and vote or give proxy.

How can I ask written questions before the meeting?

Questions should preferably be sent by email ( or to the Company’s registered office by recommended letter with acknowledgment of receipt requested (Klépierre – Direction de la Communication Financière –
26, boulevard des Capucines, 75009 Paris, France).

Questions must be accompanied by a share registration certificate either in registered share accounts or in bearer share accounts kept by the authorized intermediary. Written questions are taken into account if received at the latest by the fourth business day preceding the date of the General Meeting, i.e., April 17, 2025.

Where applicable, responses to written questions received within the required timeframe will be published below.

Any further information can be obtained from:

Société Générale Securities Services

Service Assemblées Générales (SGSS/SBO/CIS/ISS/GMS)
32 rue du Champ de Tir – CS 30812
44308 NANTES Cedex 03 – France
