Swap your plastic bag for a real bag!
For a whole week, the Forum Duisburg shopping center held a “bag exchange” week to collect the plastic bags that we need to cut down on for the sake of our planet.

Swap your plastic bag for a real bag!
For a whole week, the Forum Duisburg shopping center held a "bag exchange" week to collect the plastic bags that we need to cut down on for the sake of our planet.
For a whole week, the Forum Duisburg shopping center held a “bag exchange” week to collect the plastic bags that we need to cut down on for the sake of our planet. Visitors were able to exchange a plastic bag for a tote bag containing bookmarks, sweets, seeds, pencils, etc. The environmental action was highly successful, with 1,200 bags being collected and exchanged. The mall also set up a pop-up store to talk to visitors about green electricity.