Bringing the Klepierre network to job seekers
In November 2022, the unemployment rate in Spain was estimated to 12.4% (Eurostat). Thus, the country has a whole part of its population away from employment and has been for some time. Klepierre Spain’s teams have therefore decided to help sensitive populations to get out of the endless cycle of unemployment by launching Klemplea project.
Two objectives were put forward by the management team: promote the integration of people at risk of social exclusion into the labor market and encourage the social awareness of employees. In concrete terms, the idea is for these job seekers to benefit from the Klépierre network (retailers, cleaning and security companies, etc.) to find a job at the end of the selection process. Several phases were identified to carry out the project going from training to prepare interviews, from how to write a cover letter or a CV. After this stage, job interviews were organized to connect companies and job seekers. As the experiment was successful, the project will be continued and expanded in 2023.

Bringing the Klepierre network to job seekers
In November 2022, the unemployment rate in Spain was estimated to 12.4% (Eurostat). Thus, the country has a whole part of its population away from employment and has been for some time. Klepierre Spain’s teams have therefore decided to help sensitive populations to get out of the endless cycle of unemployment by launching Klemplea project.
Two objectives were put forward by the management team: promote the integration of people at risk of social exclusion into the labor market and encourage the social awareness of employees. In concrete terms, the idea is for these job seekers to benefit from the Klépierre network (retailers, cleaning and security companies, etc.) to find a job at the end of the selection process. Several phases were identified to carry out the project going from training to prepare interviews, from how to write a cover letter or a CV. After this stage, job interviews were organized to connect companies and job seekers. As the experiment was successful, the project will be continued and expanded in 2023.